Shining Authentically & Overcoming Approval Addiction
Season 6 | Episode 9
Julie Mullins
July 10, 2023
Are you caught in the trap of approval addiction? Hear from Lance Witt on how to shine authentically and live for an audience of One.
Discussion Questions:
- What was your favorite part of the conversation between Pastor Julie and Lance Witt?
- Lance shared the signs and symptoms of approval addiction:
- You are constantly gauging people’s responses to you.
- You are afraid to be honest.
- You hate disappointing others.
- You put too much weight on criticism or praise
Has there ever been a time when you’ve seen one or more of these revealed in your life? What was one thing Lance said that was the biggest reminder of truth for you?
- How does being our true self lead to intimacy?
- Lance talked about identifying internal scripts from our past. Can you think of any internal scripts you’ve needed to replace with God’s truth?
- What is one quirky, fun, or unique thing that makes you—you?
Lance Witt’s Books
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