Test Your Trust | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Test Your Trust

Keys to a Full Life | Living Large Part 2

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Ryan McDermott

September 26, 2022

The weekend doesn't have to end. Keep Talking on your own or with a group.

Start Talking –
 Find conversation starters for the group or with a friend.

  • When you think about the word wealth, what comes to mind?
  • What is one thing you have learned about money?

Keep Reading – Read the Scripture and ask a question to get the group thinking.

Read these Scriptures out loud:

1 Timothy‬ 6:9-10‬

  • This is Paul’s instruction to those who want wealth. Share the word or phrase that stands out to you in this passage. Why do you think it is significant?
  • Pastor Ryan challenges us to think about how much time, energy, effort and heartache we spend trying to get what we want because we are not content with what we have. Identify ways that our culture and our desires tempt and trap us into discontentment.

1 Timothy‬ 6:17-19‬

  • This is Paul’s instruction to those who have wealth. Why is the definition of ‘rich’ a moving target? What does that mean? Have you experienced it?
  • Our culture teaches that the key to a good future is attaining wealth for ourselves, but the Bible says that giving it away, serving and generosity are the keys to true living. Take a moment and imagine how your life would be if you completely embraced this truth. How does that image change the way you see yourself or connect to the things you long for?

Keep Talking – Choose questions to create openness.

1. Take a Trust Test

  • Do you think that the way you currently view money is the way God would want you to view it? Explain. What would be the hardest thing in your life to give up and give to God?
  • Share a time when you trusted God with your finances in a way that was out of your comfort zone.

2. Start Serving Others

  • Pastor Ryan shared that serving others is the way of Jesus. If you want the antidote to the illusion that wealth has in our lives, start serving others. Every time you serve someone, you walk away richer.
  • Pastor Ryan quoted Pastor Dave, “The most inexpensive way to make a difference is to pay someone attention.” What thoughts or actions does that quote prompt in you? What are some rhythms we can put in place in our lives to be more intentional to do this?

3. Give Generously

  • Who is the most financially generous person you have ever known? What qualities do you see in their life?
  • Have you ever intentionally limited your normal spending in order to be more generous? If so, share about the experience.

Keep Moving/Going – Commit to a step and live it out this week.

  • Pray it out. - In response to this message, is the Holy Spirit asking you to take a step?
    • Do you need to take a trust test and begin tithing?
    • Do you need to adjust your perspective on wealth and align it with God’s Word?
    • Do you need to establish a habit to serve others like Jesus?
  • Check out additional resources by clicking here.

Keep Praising

“Glorious Day” – Passion

“Great Are You Lord” – All Sons & Daughters

“Another In The Fire” – Hillsong

Or check out our "Faith Over Fear" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

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