The Quest for Truth | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

The Quest for Truth

Truth is more than you think.

Is there absolute truth? It’s a question people have pondered for centuries. Truth, according to the dictionary, is “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true.” A popular perspective in our world is to reject any truth outside of personal experience and opinion. Absolute truth is avoided by using phrases like “Whatever works for you,” “You do you" or “That’s my truth.” 

Having no authority for deciding if an action is right or wrong can result in chaos and confusion. While on the surface relativism seems appealing, it means everybody sets their own rules to live by, and one person’s rules will inevitably clash with another’s.

Some people search for absolute truth in philosophy, the judicial system, or even religion—but what if Truth is not just a point of view? What if Truth is bigger than rules or popular opinion? What if Truth is a person? 

When Jesus spoke about Heaven, Thomas (one of His disciples) asked him, “How can we know the way?” 

Jesus told him in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Thomas was asking about the way to Heaven, he wasn’t asking about truth or life. But Jesus thought those were important details to add—not only is He the Way to Heaven and to the Father, He’s Truth and life too. 

The quest for Truth is found in the Bible, and it’s not just something we study or philosophize about—it’s a person we can have a relationship with. As we follow the Way of Jesus, He leads us into Truth. He gives us His Word as a framework for our relationships, morals, and way of life. He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us and help us discern good from evil and truth from error. And He gives us life and life more abundantly as John 10:10 promises. 

Jesus also said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

Some people think following Jesus is about a set of rules and regulations. They hesitate to surrender fully because they fear being constricted. But actually, according to Jesus, following His Truth is exactly what sets us free.

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