3 Keys to Hearing God | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

3 Keys to Hearing God

Practical ways to listen for God’s whispers.

If your mom or dad called you, would you be able to recognize their voice without caller ID? Of course you would—we always recognize the voice of people we are in close relationship with. It’s no different with God. In John 10:27 Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” The closer we are to Him, the more we can recognize when He speaks to us. 

Practically, how do we set ourselves up for the kind of closeness that leads to hearing God’s voice? Here are a few tips:

1. Fill Gaps of Separation

Several things can cause separation in any relationship, and it’s no different with God. It takes time, intention, and vulnerability for any relationship to grow. God wants us to draw closer but to hear His still, small voice, we have to lean in. If our spiritual life is undisciplined, it creates distance—we simply aren’t showing up consistently to meet with Him at church, in the Word, in prayer, or worship. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” 

There must be vulnerability for any relationship to go to the next level. Unconfessed sin in our life creates spaces in our hearts that we aren’t giving God access to. Make it your aim to live consistently and vulnerably in your spiritual life. Fill the gaps of separation in your relationship with God because His whispers are clearer when you're close. 

2. Stay Close to People Who Hear From God

Pastor Todd says, “when you get the right voices, you’ll make the right choices.” If you want to hear the voice of God, you need to find others who know the way there. You won’t regret gleaning from a spiritually mature believer who has been in the habit of spending time with Jesus for years.

A small group is a great place to find others also desiring to hear God’s voice. The right community will pray for you, pray with you, lift you up when you’re down, and inspire your faith. Proverbs 12:26 says “The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads to death.” 

3. Look For the Right Things

Our God is certainly a miracle worker, but our relationship with God is hindered when we require signs and wonders as proof that He is near. Our unmet expectations create disappointment and the “God if you ______ then I would _____” mentality is not a healthy equation for relationship. 

When seeking to hear God’s voice, don’t look for signs and wonders. Instead, look for God in the everyday moments because this is how real relationships work. God may do something spectacular in your life, but mostly God shows up in ordinary moments. If miracles were commonplace, they wouldn’t be called miracles! Remember, Jesus commends faith in the unseen. In John 20:29 Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

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